Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What Do We Do Now, Knowing We Have A Living Savior?

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

                  Do you ever wonder what the disciples did after they believed that Christ had risen? Do wonder what they thought after their Master had risen from the dead like He said? Do you think they still thought that NOW Jesus would set up his kingdom? I wondered if that was their thoughts or maybe confusion. We know that in John 21, Jesus found the disciples back to their old life fishing. Jesus tells the disciples to throw the net on the other side and cast out again, and so they did. Then Jesus calls them to the shore and and questions Peter commitment. We can gather from this that they still had reservations about Jesus and his master plan. After this meeting again with the disciples, Peter and the others never question Jesus or waver in their faith of who Jesus is and his plan.

                   We know that in Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus gives the Great Commission, and this is what Jesus wanted his disciples to do, now that they knew and believed that Jesus had risen. With this last command that Jesus gives to his disciples, it still applies to his disciples today. Christian, now that we know what happened and what Jesus' death and conquering of the grave meant, do something with it. Jesus says this is what you do with the good news of my resurrection, GO! Tell the world, and I am with you always. So fellow Christian if you are wondering what to do next, go tell someone about Jesus and his life, death, and resurrection. It will change someone's life. God doesn't want us to be idle and go back to what we used to do, He first wants the good news to change our lives and then show others how it can change their lives. Are you active seeking the lost, that is the question. I challenge you today to do something with what you know!

Crossroads Baptist Church,
Youth Pastor Scott Hopkins


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